Your Daily Sugar Fix
That's my challenge.Could you last 10 days
without your sugar fix? 

You may be already thinking

"There is NO way I could do that."

We're all drawn to sugar and it's so highly addictive, some people could not imagine life without it.

But if you really understood what this sugar addiction 
(like every other unhealthy addiction)
is doing to your health, you would at least try to get control of it.


Switch out your soda pop for water
Even after reading this info, 
if you decide NOT to join us in this challenge,
may I at least make one small suggestion?  
Please consider at least eliminating soda pop -which also includes diet versionfrom your daily habit.

See if you are able to simply switch out that soda for something like water or lemon water.  Then let me know how your body feels after a couple of months. Deal?

But if you are ready to accept my challenge-- Good for you!
Heck, it's only for 10 days.  
And I know you can do anything for 10 days!
I encourage you to begin on a Monday.


While teaching people about a healthier lifestyle and witnessing 
the rampant progression of preventable disease for the past 35 years,  
I've discovered just how very damaging sugar actually is to our health. 

Sugar is one of the first things I ask people to limit or eliminate from their diet 
when they choose the path to rebuild their health. 
Those who do succeed in eliminating their sugar addiction 
have a much better success rate in reversing their symptoms and enjoying improved health.   It's really incredible.

Even while researching to help my mom with her symptoms
of severe dementia/Alzheimer's, 
I found sugar to be a major contributor.  
(Alzheimer's disease is now referred to as Type 3 diabetes)

I became even more inspired to offer this challenge and this specific call to action after I watched FED UP, an extremely insightful documentary, 
which I believe is a must see for anyone aspiring to live a healthier life.

Because, just think, 10 years of gaining just 2 pounds per year 
adds 20 pounds of fat to your total body weight. 

I mean, have you ever carried 2-10 pound bags of potatoes at once? 

That's what all those poor joints in your body would be doing every single day. 
That fat would also be surrounding your organs and clogging your arteries.


Sugar is not just about 'empty calories' and the fact that it doesn't add anything of value to your diet.

Sugar is the #1 contributor to the diagnosis of degenerative diseases

--these are diseases which can be prevented!


Besides the obvious Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes, sugar:
  • Severely Weakens the Immune System
    (Ever notice how many kids get sick right after Halloween?)
  • Hinders Proper Digestion
    (80% of our Immune response is in the gut)
  • Causes inflammation
    (Not cool for anyone with an Auto Immune Disease)
  • Contributes to dementia, Alzheimer's
  • Causes Heart Disease
  • Leads to Fatty Liver Disease
  • Leads to Metabolic Syndrome
  • Increases Arthritis Stiffness
  • Contributes to Alcoholism
  • Contributes to Depression
  • Increases Anxiety
  • Contributes to Gout
  • Contributes to ADD, ADHD and symptoms of Autism
  • Feeds Cancer cells
  • Feeds (bad) bacteria in the gut contributing to GERD, Acid Reflux, Colitis, Spaciness, Acne and a host of other symptoms
Need I go on??

When you join me in this 10 day challenge, I will support your effort 
with some helpful information each day.  Simply follow this blog. 

You may also join the No Sugar for 10 Days Challenge on Facebook.
Feel free to share on your wall & invite your Facebook friends to join in on this healthy challenge!  

Let's change lives! :-)

Not on Facebook?  No worries, you can get the helpful tips and healthy information via e-mail. 
(Just use the link that the top right of this page.)

Here's a quick clip from the FED UP documentary. 
(You'll get a few more of these during our 10 Day Challenge too!)

Get ready to beat your sugar addiction!
After all, you are much smarter than those 
'food'  marketers!

Stay well, my friends!


Join the challenge via Facebook


Here are the guidelines and suggestions for our Challenge. 

You'll need to become a label reader.  Take a look at what's in your pantry and fridge right now and become aware of those hidden sugar items.
Then when you're at the market, try to shop the perimeter of the store.
Fresh veggies, fruit, nuts, beans, etc. will be your BEST snacks.
Those will help you feel full AND keep your blood sugar level, which is what you'll need to succeed.


Sorry, but soda pop, sports drinks, fruit juices and alcohol are out.
If you must, you can take a "FREE" day and have a glass of wine, etc.
But please, do yourself a favor, and try to get through at least the first 10 days without any alcohol.

If you think you'll have trouble abstaining, then really take a look at how strong of a hold it has over you.  That's the definition of an addiction.  
Lemon Water
Refreshing Lemon Water
  • Water, tea, coffee are all long as you don't add any sugar or sugar substitute. 
    • Here's an 'out' if you really, really can not live without your morning coffee. You can add a little stevia, as long as it has been naturally processed, but use LESS than normal. Starting your day with something 'sweet'  sets you up for a struggle for the rest of the day.
      And just consider that if you do really, really, need that coffee.. maybe that should be the next habit to address. Why? Caffeine addiction can lead to adrenal fatigue...and that's not fun.
  • I strongly recommend you drink lots of water during this challenge.
    Not only to keep you hydrated, but will also to keep your belly happy.
    Your skin will LOVE you for it. :-)
    • Try adding lemon to your water or tea.  Not only will it give your beverage flavor, it also helps to detoxify the body. (Bonus!) 
    • Lemon water is an absolutely wonderful thing to drink first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything else. It helps to cleanse your system. 

Read Your Labels
Read your labels
Be very careful about any packaged, canned or bottled items. They are most likely laden with sugar. 
Read the label! 
This will even include things you thought were 'good for you' such as yogurt and highly marketed junk drinks like Vitamin Water
Also most frozen entrees, sauces (e.g. spaghetti sauce, barbeque sauce, apple sauce) 
and salad dressings are usually packed with the sweet and toxic stuff.

  • ALL fruits and veggies are perfectly fine in their natural state.
    Some would argue that a banana has more sugar than an apple--and it is higher on the glycemic index.  Although that is true, I'm not going to limit you from eating fruit with this challenge.  I would encourage you to eat more low glycemic fruits than high. And definitely limit the servings per meal. The more you can adhere to that, the better your outcome.
    And always eat more veggies than fruits for the day
    • If you are used to juicing, please NEVER juice fruit. 
    • Eat your fruit and juice your veggies. :-)

  • Nuts & Beans/Legumes
    are your best choices for snacks.
    They have lots fiber to keep you feeling full and satisfied. They also help keep sugar cravings at bay.  And that additional fiber is another great reason to drink plenty of water during this challenge.
  • Make sure your breakfast is packed with protein.
    This is your body's best friend.  Helps to keep your blood sugar level so you don't have that "I need something sweet" craving--especially mid-morning or in the evening.
  • EAT CLEAN.  That's the best way to fly through this challenge.
    Embrace the idea of eating fresh foods.  

    Helpful hints:
    Cut up and bag your veggies on Sunday
    that will last you at least a couple of days.
    Make a huge salad adding lots of colors.

    When you're ready to eat your salad, adding beans to it would make it a wonderful, colorful and nutritious meal.  Be sure to read the label on any dressing you choose.  I love Oil & Vinegar, (or Bragg's Bragberry if I need a little added flavor.)  Simply squeezing lemon on your salad also really brings out the flavor. Give it a try.


I know so many people use meal replacements (smoothees & bars) for a quick and convenient meal during the day. I use them everyday for breakfast & sometimes lunch too. But..I've only found one brand which meets my 'clean, pure and perfectly-balanced nutrition' criteria for my healthy lifestyle.
So....if you use them, choose carefully!

This is NOT a NO sugar/carb challenge.
Eliminating any food group is not healthy for your body.
This is a 'let's kick the addiction to sugar by making sure it's in the proper ratio' challenge.  So if your label does include sugar, first make sure it is NOT an artificial sweetener and then make sure the food item's grams of protein are equal or greater to the grams of sugar and make sure it contains fiber.  If it does, than you are good to go.
Here's a great food calculator to let you know if your food is complaint with the Protein/Carb/Fiber ratio for this challenge:

While you are all ready label-reading, why not also eliminate ALL artificial ingredients in the foods you choose. This would be an extra bonus for your body and your health!

If you have any questions, just ask! I'm here to help!

Take a look at this 'meal replacement' label from a highly-marketed,
'physician-monitored' weight loss program.
See if you think 
it would comply with the our challenge:

Hopefully you've figured out this label fails miserably!

  • First point: There is ZERO fiber and 18 grams of sugar.
    (Remember, sugar is only ok if there is also fiber & protein included)
  • Second point: Look at ALL of the forms of sugar included in the first few ingredients on the list.  YIKES! This product is actually 35% sugar!
    Sure doesn't sound like a healthy weight loss program to me.
  • Third point: Take a look at who makes this product.  Enough said.

    Did you notice the product name anywhere?
    It's an Optifast product. Brought to you by Nestle.
    (Not known for their healthy products, are they?)
    WHERE the product comes from is usually your first clue whether or not it is healthy or junk food.

    Be well, my friends!


I hope you have already made the decision to join me in this NO SUGAR FOR 10 DAYS challenge.

If you have, then good for you for taking this step in right direction to improve your health.  

But if you haven't decided yet, 
All calories are not created equal
All calories are not created equal
maybe the info here will give you 
the incentive you need to join us.   

Today is the day to take inventory of all your food items in your pantry, in refrigerator, your stash at work...

You'll learn what to look for on the labels and how to make this challenge as easy as possible.

I'm going to post some helpful tips and 'perfectly good for you' options,  but first I'd like to show you why it's so important to become a 'label reader warrior' and HOW we became so addicted to sugar in the first place.

Take a few minutes to watch this clip...

This challenge is to help YOU be in control. 
And the ultimate goal is to improve your health... 
so I don't want you to swap out the sugar for fat, ok? 

Do not allow yourself to be manipulated by the 'food' industry.
I mean, it's just crazy what we consider to be 'healthy' in this country
...and that 'truth' has been defined by corporations, chemical companies,
Big Pharma & lobbyists, none of which have
 your best interest at heart.
Sugar equals fat
One of the benefits of this challenge is that you will become a savvy label reader and 
you will have the knowledge of
'why' you crave certain foods.  

And knowledge is empowering!

So you need to choose to become
an advocate for your own health.
That might just be redefining what 'healthy' really means to you.  
(Hint: It's not just the absence of disease!)

Be well, my friends!

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

NO SUGAR CHALLENGE: Make a Decision & Don't Be Fake


Every time we try something new, our bodies are programmed to 'protect us' and does everything in its power to get us back to our comfort zone.

So, when you choose to try something to lead you in the path to better health, 
there will be lots of factors which will be working against you,
I'd like you to do me a favor.  
A real decision is measured by tthe fact that you've taken a new action.
Don't 'try it'.
Instead, make a decision.

Make a decision to do this entire challenge ---without fail.
(Or at LEAST give it 10 days and see how your body responds!) 

This mentality will help your brain to prepare to complete this challenge and not give up.

Also, if you find there's a little voice in your head which keeps telling you it's going to be hard--silence that voice!

'Food' Companies are excellent in sneaking sugar in their products.
This goes for fake sugar as well. 

Here's a couple of lists which will help you while you're reading the labels this week. 

List of Sugars

So many people ask me about the merits of Stevia, so here goes.

Stevia is a 'natural sweetener'. You can actually grow the plant in your own garden and make the liquid version yourself.

But.. you need to know there are many extraction methods used which turns this healthy sweetener into a less desirable product.  The chemical name on the product will not give you a clue to the process used in manufacturing stevia for a specific product, unfortunately. 

Many processed food companies are extracting stevia using hexane and chloroform. (That's not good.) Some might argue that the manufacturing process doesn't matter, believe me, it makes all the difference.
I think the best way to find out the extraction method is to contact the company or use this 'hint':  If it comes from a major processed food company
(ie. Pepsi, Kellogg, Kraft, Nestle, etc.), you can bet that they have taken the cheapest route and processed with chemicals.

Okay, so now you know all your sugars and you now know what to look for on your food labels.

Are you ready?  I'm so excited for you!!
Remember to invite friends and family to join you--when you make a positive change with a friend, you can help each other succeed!

Be well, my friends!


NO SUGAR CHALLENGE: Don't Be Manipulated

Watch any sporting event and pay close attention to the commercials.

Outside the box

When you become aware, you'll discover all the marketing ploys

used by the food industry to influence consumers.  

The first few commercials I watched recently were from Burger King,
KFC and Papa John's--- and that was all I needed to see.

Burger King's message was that their product was
"Affordable" and a "Value". KFC had the same script.
Then I watched (in horror) at a Papa John's
commercial for their Frito Chili Cheese Pizza.
If their goal was to make the most unhealthy pizza they could imagine, 

I believe they have succeeded.

(Fun Fact: Did you know that Fritos make an excellent fire starter while camping? 
That, in my opinion, is its only redeeming value.)

It's starts very youngAfter watching these commercials,
I felt bad for people who were unaware that they were, in fact, being manipulated using all of the powerful stimuli that can be possibly be thrown at you simply by watching television.

(If they could find a way to get a smell through your TV, believe me, they would do it. I'm guessing they'd call it Smellivision?)
In fact, most people been manipulated most of their lives.
Advertisers know very well.
Sight+Sound = Their Desired Result.

Our brains are very susceptible to such suggestion.

If you closed your eyes for a minute and think of biting in to a sweet, juicy orange, what happens?  Your mouth salivates.  There was an actual physical reaction in your body to that thought in your brain. Marketers know this too. And they use it to their advantage.

Take a look at today's clip from Fed Up.  Don't allow yourself to be manipulated by a company whose entire goal is to profit at your expense. 

Here's your healthy recipe for today:
 Portobello Cheesesteak, from

Be well, my friends!


NO SUGAR CHALLENGE, DAY 3: Look What You Did Today!

You made it through Day 3!  Your Pancreas Thanks You!

And this is not a tiny little thank you,
but a 
"Phew! Thanks, I needed a break", 
kind of thank you!

You see, when you choose to eat or drink sugar or simple carbohydrates 
(breads, crackers, pretzels, etc.) every day, 
your poor pancreas has to work 
Your Pancreas Thanks You!non-stop.

Besides adding empty calories to your diet, these highly absorbable sugars create a rapid and dramatic increase in both blood glucose and insulin in the body.  That's not good.

According to a study in the
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,

this daily habit could eventually
lead to something called
compensatory hyperinsulinemia.
(Try saying that 5 times fast!)

Hyperinsulinemia causes an increase in blood flow and rapid cell division.
And you know what kind of cells in our body LOVE sugar, increased blood flow and grow rapidly??

You guessed it, cancer cells.

So congratulations on protecting your pancreas today! WELL DONE!

I hope you're beginning to see the value in this 10 DAY CHALLENGE 

and it becomes more than just a short-term change in your diet. 

Here's a fast, easy & healthy breakfast (or any meal, for that matter)
It will get you out the door quickly and satisfied. View Original post

Be well, my friends!

NO SUGAR CHALLENGE: Sugar on the Brain, Part 1


This topic hits home for me.  
It's one of the reasons I am so passionate about sharing 
this information with you and why I started this challenge.

"Sugar on the brain."

That's what my husband and I used to say our kids had
when they'd eat too much sugar during a holiday
or birthday party, at school, etc.

My kids will tell you that sugar treats
didn't make an appearance at our house very often.
We never drank anything but water with meals
(Ok, maybe lemon water)
and we never had dessert after dinner.
(Mean mommy?  Health nut?  I've been called worse.)

One thing that I love about my kids is that they would 

happily choose an apple as a snack and went crazy over a veggie tray. 
All of their 'goodies' were homemade, so I could control the contents.
They never ate anything that came from a box mix. 
They also knew that mom would read the label 

if they ever asked for anything at the grocery store. 
And more times than not, it would go back on the shelf.

But, boy you could tell when they had sugar. No doubt about that.

Yeah, I know you could find studies which will dispute that statement, 

but I'm fairly confident those studies 
were funded by the sugar industry.
Those studies are also seriously flawed. 
When researchers wanted to see if sugar causes hyperactivity, 
their idea of a double-blind study was to give half of the kids sugar 
and the other half an artificial sugar substitute.

They found no difference in the behaviors of these two groups 
and concluded that sugar does not cause hyperactivity. 


That's because the brain can not tell the difference!

Sugar is a deadly addiction. 
It is connected to more diseases than anything else in our diet.  
It's hold on us has been compared to cocaine, and with good reason. 

I must tell you, I'm a nutrition research junkie.  

I devour information about how the body responds to nutrients. 
I love how the body is programmed to repair and rebuild 
when given the proper ammunition.

I am also a healthy lifestyle advocate and often counsel people 
about a natural approach to a health issue they may have. 
That's my passion.

I always suspected that children who crave sugar have a greater tendency 

to become alcoholics as adults. 

When I asked about the health histories of people with addictions
each one recognized that they craved sugar as a child 

and they almost always had some family history of alcoholism. 
Almost every single time.

I believe their family history, (or genetic disposition), 

could possibly result in an inability to properly metabolize sugar 
which manifested as cravings.

After all, what is alcohol but the most concentrated form of sugar?

A study in the 
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs supports that theory:

"Craving, tolerance, withdrawal and sensitization have been documented in both human and animal studies. In addition, there appears to be cross sensitization between sugar addiction and narcotic dependence in some individuals. It has also been observed that the biological children of alcoholic parents, particularly alcoholic fathers, are at greater risk to have a strong sweet preference. and this may manifest in some with an eating disorder."

Just one more reason to make tomorrow a sugar-free day and take this challenge beyond 10 days. 

And now your healthy recipe for the day:

Healthy Hummus

Be well, my friends.

NO SUGAR CHALLENGE: Sugar on the Brain, Part 2


As I mentioned in yesterday's post (Sugar on the Brain, Part 1),
This topic hits really hits home for me.  

It's one of the reasons I am so passionate about sharing this information with you and why I started this challenge.  And now, as we are approaching our halfway mark, I'll tell you why.

My mom suffers from severe dementia/Alzheimer's.
They're not sure which, and honestly, it doesn't matter.
The symptoms of either are devastating.

When she was diagnosed, I scoured nutrition and medical journals 
trying to find anything and everything which might help support 
brain health in an attempt to least slow down the progression of this brutal disease.

I also wanted to learn why my mom developed memory issues in the first place.  Why did this happen to my beautiful, kind and generous mother?
Why her?

What I found during my research is that Alzheimer's is considered
Type 3 Diabetes.  That hit me hard & also made perfect sense to me. While I can not conclude that sugar consumption was the reason 
my mom now suffers from severe memory loss, 
what I can tell you is ---it absolutely, positively contributed.

My mom has had a sweet tooth from as far back as I could remember. 

Donuts, pastry... you name it, she loved it. 

And that goes for bread & rolls too.
(Those simple carbohydrates break down into sugar very quickly)

She rarely remembers my name today, 
but once and a while my mom will suggest we go out for ice cream.
It was one of my mom and dad's (daily) guilty pleasures 
and just another sign of how strong of a hold sugar has on her brain. 

Brain scans show sugar targets the same area as cocaine making it highly addictive.  

Sugar is also an inflammatory food. 
Brain scan
Daily sugar creates chronic inflammation. 
And chronic inflammation greatly contributes to many diseases in the body including those which directly affect the brain such as depression, anxiety, dementia and Alzheimer's. 

Sugar is toxic to your brain.  
There is no way around that. 

There!   That should be enough to make you hate the stuff!

In case you are interested, check out my posts on The War For Rose.
My husband Doug & I made the commitment to help my dad care for my mom in October.  We'll be updating the progress we're making as we combat her severe dementia/Alzheimer's.  (And yes, we're making progress!)

Now for your Healthy Recipe of the Day!

PBG Wrap

Be well, my friends!

NO SUGAR CHALLENGE: If I saw you 10 years from now...what would I see?

If I Saw You 10 Years From Now....What Would I See?

We recently ran into friends we hadn't seen in years.  Back in the day, they were fit and athletic, played sports in college and were extremely healthy...
but they also lived a 'typical lifestyle'  complete with the 
Standard American Diet. 

Fast forward 10+ years.

Wow. Things had changed.
 It was actually shocking.

Here they were in their late 40's  
and already had knee replacement surgery, suffered from rheumatoid arthritis and each were 40+ overweight and looked at least ten years older than their age. It was very sad, really.

It made us realize that the investment and actual effort we made EVERYDAY to live a healthy lifestyle including healthy food choices & healthy nutrition  
had really paid off.

It is CLEARLY worth the investment in our health.
After all, when you think about it, health really is the best gift you can give yourself.  Without it, you can't enjoy much else. And if you don't take gentle care of your body....where are you going to live?

Our choices everyday should be something that will help us build health in our bodies to sustain us for years to come.

Every day...that means a way of life, a lifestyle, our daily routine. And if we are able to make habits out of things like coffee, chips, candy, pop...why couldn't we switch that around and make healthy habits instead?

After all, We are NOT fooling the cells in our body.  

Throughout their lives, so many people suffer needlessly with symptoms that they just brush off as 'normal for them' or 'genetic so I can't do anything about it'.  With today's issues, nothing is further from the truth.  Symptoms such as...

Headaches, allergies, anxiety, sleep issues, muscle aches, fatigue, PMS,acid reflux, bone spurs, plantar fasciitis, foggy brain, ADD,joint pain, high cholesterol, GERD, heart disease, high blood pressure, yeast infections, frequent illness, dry eyes, constipation, rheumatoid arthritis.... get the picture.

Genetics merely may make you more susceptible  to these environmental symptoms, but you have control on whether or not they were part of your health history.
Your Healthy Thought of the Day...

It's true.  

People who currently suffer from any of these or other environmental symptom have the power to reverse their symptoms of disease and rebuild their health. 

They just need to create healthier habits. And that part is super easy when you make the decision to do so.  You are taking a great step in a healthier lifestyle by sticking to this challenge, and I'm proud of your efforts!  Keep it going and make this a healthy HABIT!

Be well, my friends!


What motivated you to join this challenge?

Obviously, you knew that sugar had a hold on you and you didn't like it.
Some of you now realize how strong of a hold that was, depending on how hard this past week as been for you.

I want you to know that a few people didn't make it past day 2 and quit.
But you stuck to it.  Now make that mean something.

Too many of us have been conditioned to 'try a diet', then we go back to our old habits.  Then we 'try' the next thing and then the next, and nothing really changes.  No lessons are really learned and no improvements are made in our health. So what's the point?

I'd like to ask you to decide that this time your willingess to change will become a lifestyle.
I'd like for you to learn from this challenge and then impliment 

into your daily life.

You have already have come this far.  Do you want to go back? 

Those cravings and withdrawal symptoms meant that your body was 
getting rid of unwanted and unhealthy toxins.  Think about that for a moment. Your body didn't like it and flushed it out. 
Think how much better you'd feel if this was part of your daily habit for years and not just for 10 days.

Recognize sugar for what it truly is---something highly marketed to you since you were a child with the sole purpose of creating an addiction in your body in order to make money for the manufacturer.  See it as the enemy of health.

Believe it or not, you have to power to start to re-train your brain.  

To look at a donut, for example, with disgust and look at an apple or pear and crave it!   It's time to take the reins away from the marketers & reverse their brainwashing tactics.

Decide that when these 10 days are over, you will not go back to those addictive habits you gave up. Choose instead to veiw it as
A new habit which is simply now part of your healthy lifestyle.

YOUR HEALTY RECIPES (I owe you a couple)

Greek Yogurt with strawberries, raw cacao powder & Hazelnuts

No directions are necessary.  Enjoy. :-)

original post

Baked Apples
Apples are delicious raw, but warming them takes the texture and flavor up a notch and makes for a quick and easy comfort food.
This will make you feel like you're cheating.

Core an apple and put it in a microwave-safe bowl or in the oven. Stuff the middle with any nuts of your choice and pour a few tablespoons of water over the dried fruit to soften it. (You can also add dried fruit, but be sure it doesn't include sulfer dioxide) Dust the apple with cinnamon. Cook the apple until tender, about 5 minutes, and let it stand for 5 additional minutes before digging in. 

NO SUGAR CHALLENGE: Where Do We Go From Here?

I'd like to invite you to think about where you'd like to go from here.

Will you revert to your old sugar habits?

Will you never let sugar control you again?

The choice is yours.

But there was a good reason this challenge came to you when it did.
It was to better prepare you to make educated, healthy choices on a daily basis and even at parties and special events.  Maybe you'll now be able to get through this year without adding another 10 pounds or without increasing the chronically unhealthy glucose levels in your blood.  (The precursor to Metabolic Syndrome)
That would be a HUGE victory, right?


How would you feel to be able to walk into a family gathering or party and have no desire for the pastries or sugar-laden foods, but instead, you choose healthier options?  How powerful would you feel?  And not only that, but maybe you'll be able to inspire someone else to take on this challenge as well?  
You never might actually save their life. (Powerful stuff, right?)I hope that you decide to continue with this challenge.

Sure, most of you can still have a glass of wine or bite of dark chocolate now and again, but you won't have that daily sugar habit. You might want an occasionally take a FREE day, especially when you are celebrating or on vacation. And that's ok. Really, it is. It's the ADDICTION to sugar we want to destroy.  This sugar addiction won't be your lifestyle anymore.
For some of you, this sugar addition it is a TRUE addiction. If you start back up and go off the wagon, this ugly habit will once again gain control over you.
(If you currently have an auto immune disease or have alcoholism in your family, this may be YOU, so please be aware and choose wisely for long-term health)

But just know, no matter what, after you kick this addiction, if you feed your body too much sugar, it WILL NOT like it. You'll start to feel sluggish and tired again. The inflammation will return. So just be aware and listen to the wisdom of your body, and PLEASE do not give in to the habit again.


Be Well, my friends!


NO SUGAR CHALLENGE: Your Taste Buds Are Doing a Happy Dance!


If you've stuck to this challenge and 
you have been diligent at staying away

from all things related to sugar, your taste buds 

are also doing a victory dance!  

They have been so bogged down for so long, 
but now they can truly taste the sweetness of an apple.  They can enjoy how wonderful a pear tastes! 

Taste buds are the sentinels in our body.
They let us know if something is pleasurable by sending signals to the brain.
hey let us know if a food is something we want to continue eating or if we should move on and try something else.  They are what makes eating and drinking fun!

Sugar weakens our taste buds' ability to their job. Sugar desensitized our taste buds.  We don't even know it's happening, until it's to the point that nothing is enough...and we keep wanting more and more. (The same goes for salt.)

So, it's best to let these happy little guys stay happy.
Give them just a little sweetness once in a while, but don't overload them.
They just can't take the work load.

Also, I wanted to point out just one more very compelling reason to keep sugar at bay after this challenge:  SUGAR MAKES YOU AGE FASTER!

Yep, eating sugar on a daily basis attacks your skin and makes your collagen flimsy, giving you wrinkles.  
Chromosome Telomeres

And a very recent studypublished in the American Journal of Public Health found that besides diabetes, heart disease, dementia, and all those other degenerative diseases, sugar is also linked to accelerated DNA aging and shortened telomeres!

We don't want to encourage that that, now do we?

Hint: For the past year, I've been following the research on telomeres 
(they are the protective caps at the end of each of chromosomeand we definitely want long ones!  Long telomeres = longer life.

So, tomorrow is your LAST day for this challenge but, come on, let's make it the first day for your new healthy daily habit!  I know you can do it!

Be well, my friends!
