The beginning of any action to improve your health usually goes pretty well at first.
Your Healthy Thought for the Day |
If you're like most people, you get all pumped up for that new diet or workout (or to become a non-smoker) and you SWEAR to yourself that this time you are going to stick to it!
A few weeks goes by and you start to skip a day ...or two. Then your oh-so-busy schedule gets in the way. Then the weather is crappy. Then you had a tough day. Then it's... whatever excuse that little voice in your head gives you.
But, there's always an excuse lurking in the shadows, isn't there? Hey, I'm not judging, I'm commiserating. I know. I've been there!
It's all too common.
IF we were like every other ordinary person on the planet,
we will ALWAYS find an excuse to allow ourselves to be sucked back into our previous unhealthy habits and lifestyle.
Yes, even though those previous choices made us feel tired and miserable and unhappy with ourselves and our bodies. Crazy, right?
Well there are lots of factors that pull us in that direction.
We're bombarded with unhealthy food commercials and unhealthy lifestyles are featured as 'normal' in so many shows on TV. So that message is loud and clear.
We may have friends or family members who are all-too-happy to remain stuck in their beer-and-bacon-wrapped-in-cheese-wiz-world to realize that it's slowly killing them ---and they don't want to go alone!
So they do their very best to make sure we stay with them in their unhealthy lifestyle.
BUT WE KNOW we want something BETTER.
There's only ONE THING that can help us to overcome those trying times and to begin again.
There's only one thing that will help us to regain our desire and enthusiasm and make it to the finish line of our goal.
There's only ONE thing that will propel us from ordinary ---to extraordinary. From our failures to ultimate success. From feeling let down and depressed-- to feeling completely empowered. That one thing?
(That's the magic we all have inside of us)
So ask yourself these questions?
WHY do I want to get healthier?
WHY do I want to lose the fat in my belly, legs, etc.
WHY did I start running/working out?
WHY did I start eating healthier?
WHY did I quit smoking?
That's a good start. But it's not enough to stop there.
When you figure out your starting WHY...then dig a little deeper. Get to the emotion lying under your surface 'why'.
Here's an example.
- I want to lose weight because I want to get back into my favorite pair of jeans.
- I want to get back into my favorite pair of jeans because I will look better.
- I'll feel so much better, too.
- I'll feel better so I will be a better mom, friend, wife, sister, daughter, (or son, husband, father)
- I'll feel better so I won't have any health problems early in life like my parents did/do.
- I want to be a good example for my kids. They learn what I teach them...and a healthy lifestyle is something they'll enjoy for the rest of their lives. I want them to he healthy.
- I want to be able to have a long AND HEALTHY life...not one where I'm on a pile of medications and can barely walk by the age of ____.
- I don't want to be a burden on anyone.
- I want to live my life to the fullest. There's so much I want to see & do!
- Time goes by so quickly, so I know if I don't do it now, I'll have regrets.
WHATEVER... The WHY is personal and it's YOURS.
Just take the time to dig down and find your 'emotional why'
and that will help guide you through those sorry self-sabotaging
moments of your life and power through to another victory.
You will LEARN what triggers you and catch yourself before you get too deep. Each time you do will be another VICTORY for your win column, and each time you'll be teaching yourself how to SUCCEED, in spite of that little voice in your head or what others think/say.
So, no, it's not the people around us that get in our way. They don't have that power. Only YOU do.
YOU are the one who controls what you do and don't do.
And YOU the one who will find a way-- IF it is important to you.
And I know YOU will. I have faith in you.
You're an EXTRAORDINARY person .... and goodness knows we could use more 'extraordinary' in the world. Who wants to be ordinary anyway?
Not me! Heck, I was born to ROCK this world ---and so were you!
So commit to yourself and your goal for at least 90 days.
(That's a manageable goal time frame)
Then REMIND yourself of your WHY on a daily basis.
When people choose us as their coach, we send them a HAPPY EVER AFTER-AFTER wristband to help them remember their goals.
You can also stick post-it notes around your house, on your refrigerator, on your computer, on your bathroom mirror--wherever you will see it during your day.
Write little encouraging messages to yourself (maybe in your 'future you' voice) or use a favorite motivating quote. (You'll find a new "Your Healthy Thought for the Day" on each post on this blog)
Find a photo of an activity you'd like to do, or a photo of yourself at your healthy weight. Then let your notes, photos or this wristband REMIND you of how powerful and extraordinary you are.
Make it stand for what YOU stand for---your healthy new life.
Your one, beautiful, powerful, extraordinary, healthy new life.
So, let's get this party started!
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