NO SUGAR CHALLENGE: If I saw you 10 years from now...what would I see?

If I Saw You 10 Years From Now....What Would I See?

We recently ran into friends we hadn't seen in years.  Back in the day, they were fit and athletic, played sports in college and were extremely healthy...
but they also lived a 'typical lifestyle'  complete with the 
Standard American Diet. 

Fast forward 10+ years.

Wow. Things had changed.
 It was actually shocking.

Here they were in their late 40's  
and already had knee replacement surgery, suffered from rheumatoid arthritis and each were 40+ overweight and looked at least ten years older than their age. It was very sad, really.

It made us realize that the investment and actual effort we made EVERYDAY to live a healthy lifestyle including healthy food choices & healthy nutrition  
had really paid off.

It is CLEARLY worth the investment in our health.
After all, when you think about it, health really is the best gift you can give yourself.  Without it, you can't enjoy much else. And if you don't take gentle care of your body....where are you going to live?

Our choices everyday should be something that will help us build health in our bodies to sustain us for years to come.

Every day...that means a way of life, a lifestyle, our daily routine. And if we are able to make habits out of things like coffee, chips, candy, pop...why couldn't we switch that around and make healthy habits instead?

After all, We are NOT fooling the cells in our body.  

Throughout their lives, so many people suffer needlessly with symptoms that they just brush off as 'normal for them' or 'genetic so I can't do anything about it'.  With today's issues, nothing is further from the truth.  Symptoms such as...

Headaches, allergies, anxiety, sleep issues, muscle aches, fatigue, PMS,acid reflux, bone spurs, plantar fasciitis, foggy brain, ADD,joint pain, high cholesterol, GERD, heart disease, high blood pressure, yeast infections, frequent illness, dry eyes, constipation, rheumatoid arthritis.... get the picture.

Genetics merely may make you more susceptible  to these environmental symptoms, but you have control on whether or not they were part of your health history.
Your Healthy Thought of the Day...

It's true.  

People who currently suffer from any of these or other environmental symptom have the power to reverse their symptoms of disease and rebuild their health. 

They just need to create healthier habits. And that part is super easy when you make the decision to do so.  You are taking a great step in a healthier lifestyle by sticking to this challenge, and I'm proud of your efforts!  Keep it going and make this a healthy HABIT!

Be well, my friends!

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