NO SUGAR CHALLENGE: Where Do We Go From Here?

I'd like to invite you to think about where you'd like to go from here.

Will you revert to your old sugar habits?

Will you never let sugar control you again?

The choice is yours.

But there was a good reason this challenge came to you when it did.
It was to better prepare you to make educated, healthy choices on a daily basis and even at parties and special events.  Maybe you'll now be able to get through this year without adding another 10 pounds or without increasing the chronically unhealthy glucose levels in your blood.  (The precursor to Metabolic Syndrome)
That would be a HUGE victory, right?


How would you feel to be able to walk into a family gathering or party and have no desire for the pastries or sugar-laden foods, but instead, you choose healthier options?  How powerful would you feel?  And not only that, but maybe you'll be able to inspire someone else to take on this challenge as well?  
You never might actually save their life. (Powerful stuff, right?)I hope that you decide to continue with this challenge.

Sure, most of you can still have a glass of wine or bite of dark chocolate now and again, but you won't have that daily sugar habit. You might want an occasionally take a FREE day, especially when you are celebrating or on vacation. And that's ok. Really, it is. It's the ADDICTION to sugar we want to destroy.  This sugar addiction won't be your lifestyle anymore.
For some of you, this sugar addition it is a TRUE addiction. If you start back up and go off the wagon, this ugly habit will once again gain control over you.
(If you currently have an auto immune disease or have alcoholism in your family, this may be YOU, so please be aware and choose wisely for long-term health)

But just know, no matter what, after you kick this addiction, if you feed your body too much sugar, it WILL NOT like it. You'll start to feel sluggish and tired again. The inflammation will return. So just be aware and listen to the wisdom of your body, and PLEASE do not give in to the habit again.


Be Well, my friends!


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