NO SUGAR CHALLENGE, DAY 3: Look What You Did Today!

You made it through Day 3!  Your Pancreas Thanks You!

And this is not a tiny little thank you,
but a 
"Phew! Thanks, I needed a break", 
kind of thank you!

You see, when you choose to eat or drink sugar or simple carbohydrates 
(breads, crackers, pretzels, etc.) every day, 
your poor pancreas has to work 
Your Pancreas Thanks You!non-stop.

Besides adding empty calories to your diet, these highly absorbable sugars create a rapid and dramatic increase in both blood glucose and insulin in the body.  That's not good.

According to a study in the
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,

this daily habit could eventually
lead to something called
compensatory hyperinsulinemia.
(Try saying that 5 times fast!)

Hyperinsulinemia causes an increase in blood flow and rapid cell division.
And you know what kind of cells in our body LOVE sugar, increased blood flow and grow rapidly??

You guessed it, cancer cells.

So congratulations on protecting your pancreas today! WELL DONE!

I hope you're beginning to see the value in this 10 DAY CHALLENGE 

and it becomes more than just a short-term change in your diet. 

Here's a fast, easy & healthy breakfast (or any meal, for that matter)
It will get you out the door quickly and satisfied. View Original post

Be well, my friends!

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